- What took place last night? 昨晚发生了什么事?
- Heavy fighting took place last night at the frontier. 昨晚在边境上发生了激战。
- We may never discover what took place that night. 我们可能永远不会知道那一夜发生了什么事。
- What was doing at your place last night? 昨晚你的住处发生什么了?
- We have never discovered what took place that night. 我们一直不知道那天晚上发生了什么。
- I know Linda was only indirectly concerned in what took place. 我知道所发生的事情间接涉及到琳达。
- I have never found out what took place between them that night? 我从不知道那晚他们之间发生了什么。
- The accident took place last year. 事故发生在去年。
- What took place next in the fate of Mr. Myriel? 此后,米里哀先生的一生有些什么遭遇呢?
- What took place next in the fate of M. Myriel? 此后,他的一生有些什么遭遇呢?
- The accident take place last year. 事故去年发生了。
- I went to your place last night and found the door locked. 我昨儿晚上去你家串门, 没想到撞锁了。
- She could retain only the haziest remembrance of what took place. 她只能依稀记得所发生的事情。
- What took place in those years is called runaway inflation. 发生在那些年的一切叫做无法控制的通货膨胀。
- The bombing took place in the suburb last night, leaving one dead and eleven injured. 昨天晚上在郊区发生爆炸案导致人受伤。
- Everything is more to the benefit of Beit borrowing took place last year. 万事利向多贝特的借款发生在去年。
- SCULLY: You've seen this crap for yourself now. How do you explain what took place today? 史高丽:你现在看到了这些话。你怎么解释今天发生的事情?
- A woman falling in love with a man is similar to what took place when the first Venusian believed that the Martians were coming. 女人与男人相爱,就像首位金星人相信火星人正向她们航行而来。
- The Portuguese Cup 2008, took place last weekend at Vila Real where track conditions were hard and bumpy which resulted in a lot of dust. 葡萄牙队2008年,发生在上周末皇马维拉在赛道的状况很难和颠簸,导致大量的灰尘。
- A man falling in love with a woman is similar to what took place when the first Martian discovered the Venusians. 男人爱上女人就像火星人第一次发现金星人一样。